Chloroquine Phosphate
Caution is necessary when giving choroquine to patients with porphyria who also have hepatic dysfunction or cirrhosis as the drug may precipitate severe constitutional symptoms and an increase in the amount of porphyrins excreted in the urine. This reaction is especially apparent in alcoholics. Patients receiving choloquine continuously at higher dose levels for a period longer than 12 months or at weekly intervals for a period of more than 3 years as prophylactic against malaria (or the consumption exceeds 1.6 g/Kg) should undergo ophthalmic examination at three months interval.
Side Effects
Amoebic hepatitis: Four tablets daily for two days followed by one tablet twice daily for two or three weeks. Lupus erythomatosus: One tablet twice daily for one to two weeks followed by a maintenance dose of one tablet daily.
Pregnancy And Lactation
Anti-malarial drugs